Russian lawmaker comments on Kiev’s idea to demand Russian compensation for ruined Donbas


MOSCOW, May 11. /TASS/. Head of the Russian State Duma’s international committee Alexey Pushkov calls Kiev’s intentions to demand a compensation for ruined Donbas from Russia hopeless.

"Kiev’s regime has been involved in ruining Donbas, shelled the cities and plants, and now it demands $350 billion from Russia," he twitted. "Strange. And hopeless."

This was his comment on the statement of Ukraine’s First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and trade Sasha Borovik, who on Sunday in an interview with channel 5 said Moscow should reimburse to Kiev the damage related to ruined Donbas in the amount of $350 billion. The official said Ukraine should estimate the exact amount and should be ready to protect its interests.

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