Russian diplomat sees progress in talking Iran sanctions issue


MOSCOW, May 26. /TASS/. The discussion of the Iran sanctions issue is still difficult although some progress has been made in general, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Tuesday.

"The stable progress continues in clearing the text [of deal] and compared with last week, even over the past couple of days - then there is some headway. This is of course positive," the diplomat told reporters.

The meeting at the level of political directors on the Iranian nuclear program may be held next week, Ryabkov said. "There is no need in the meeting of the political directors right now. I think that in fact the meeting will be [held] next week," he said, adding that expert-level contacts are ongoing.

The major points of contention for Russia at the moment are lifting arms embargo against Iran, fixing the unprecedented character of the yet-to-be ready deal and the commitment of ensuring the UN Security Council’s prerogative powers at all the stages of the decision-making process after reaching the agreements.

"As for the problematic knots in general, then the discussion of the sanctions issue is rather difficult. There is no due level of mutual understanding on the so-called former military dimensions of the Iranian nuclear program," he said.

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