Putin: FIFA-linked arrests are US attempt to thwart Blatter re-election

Russian President Vladimir Putin (RT screenshot)

Russian President Vladimir Putin (RT screenshot)

The FIFA-linked arrests on the eve of the re-election of the organization’s chief are an obvious attempt to thwart Sepp Blatter’s re-appointment, Vladimir Putin said, answering journalists’ questions. He added it’s another example of US meddling abroad.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said the US could be selfishly motivated for its own gain, as was the case with Edward Snowden and Julian Assange.

“Unfortunately our American partners are using these methods in order to achieve their own selfish gains and it is illegal to persecute people. I would not rule out that in regards to FIFA, the same thing could be happening, though I do not know how it will end,” he said.

“However, the fact that this is happening right on the eve of the FIFA presidential elections, gives one this exact impression.”

Putin added this is an obvious attempt to expand Washington’s jurisdiction in other countries.

Putin also said pressure had been applied on Blatter "to force him to take the 2018 World Cup from Russia."

“We know his position – which has nothing to do with any kind of special relationship between Russia and FIFA – he thinks that sport and politics should be separate.”


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