Poroshenko postpones visit to Poland due to impossibility to meet Andrzej Duda — source


KIEV, May 27 /TASS/. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko canceled his visit to Poland scheduled for May 27 after he had learnt he would be unable to meet Polish President Elect Andrzej Duda as initially planned, the Ukrainian website Apostroph said on Wednesday with reference to a source at Ukraine’s presidential administration.

"Duda went to Brussels. He has not taken his office yet and has to fulfill his obligations as a European Parliament deputy. The visit has not been canceled but has been postponed to a later date," the source said.

The Polish Press Agency (PAP) reported earlier on Wednesday that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko had canceled his visit to Warsaw.

Poroshenko was supposed to meet Polish outgoing President Bronislaw Komorowski on Wednesday afternoon. Late on Wednesday, the two presidents were supposed to have watched a football match between Ukraine's Dnipro football club and Spanish Seville at the national stadium in Warsaw.

It was also planned that Poroshenko would meet Polish President Elect Andrzej Duda. The meeting, however, had to be postponed because of Duda’s busy schedule and the need to travel to Brussels because he is still a European Parliament deputy, the Polish News Agency said with reference to a source in Duda’s entourage.

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