Ministry: investors’ share of Russian debt securities nearly unchanged after sanctions


MOSCOW, May 23. /TASS/. Despite anti-Russian sanctions, the share of Russian debt instruments in the portfolios of large institutional foreign investors has remained nearly unchanged, Deputy Finance Minister Sergey Storchak said.

"Those who professionally deal with operations on the market take into account all risks, including those connected with imposition of political restrictions," Storchak said.

"We see by reports of the Central Bank that the share of Russian debt instruments in portfolios of foreign investors remains almost the same as it was before the start of events that are most often described by intensification of geopolitical risks," he said on the Ekho Moskvy radio.

Storchak said the talk is first of all about Russian debt securities denominated in rubles.

"Instruments denominated in rubles are willingly bought by institutional investors from other countries. It looks like there is a specific interest to have a certain share of Russian risks in their big portfolios - often tens or hundreds of billions of dollars - in order to somewhat diversify the external position," he said.

Storchak said Russia as a sovereign borrower has gained recognition on foreign markets.

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