Federation Council: Practical measures against countries rehabilitating Nazism needed


MOSCOW, May 20. /TASS/. Russia should counter attempts to reconsider the results of the Second World War and rehabilitate Nazism, as well as develop practical measures of exerting pressure on countries where such policy is pursued at a state level, the Federation Council said in a statement on Wednesday.

"In Europe, where Nazism emerged and its supporters came to power, attempts to revive and justify this phenomenon are not countered, and the tendency to substitute the results of the Second World War by the results of the Cold War interpreted in the spirit of the current political situation," senators said.

The united campaign of attempting to rehabilitate Nazism includes "anti-Russian, Russophobic and anti-Soviet statements and demonstrations at national and international levels, which makes possible not only justification, but also heroization of Nazi supporters," the Federation Council noted.

Russian ministries and agencies were recommended to develop and implement a package of measures on countering rehabilitation of Nazism. Measures should in particular be aimed at attempts "to reconsider the Yalta-Potsdam system of international relations and establish the new world order according to schemes and in the interests of countries striving for global leadership and trying to support this claims through falsification of history," the statement stressed.

Foreign countries that endorse rehabilitation of Nazism at the official level should be targeted with individual sanctions and economic and trade restrictions. Senators’ recommendations were sent to the Russian president, State Duma, government, General Prosecutor’s Office, Investigative Committee.

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