Chinese diplomat: Russia, China should protect WWII Victory heritage


BEIJING, May 5. /TASS/. Russia and China, as permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, should defend the principles of international equality and justice they managed to defend during World War II, Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping said Tuesday.

"The United Nations Organization was established after the Second World War. It became the key mechanism to maintain the international world order that formed thanks to the Victory," Cheng said.

"Nevertheless, it is still rather unquiet on our planet - regional conflicts and wars do not end, hegemonism is increasing, the doctrine of force and neo-interventionism are growing stronger. Neo-fascism and militarism are trying to rise again," he said.

Cheng said that the mission of Russia and China is to make a stand in support of all that mankind managed to defend as a result of the Second World War.

"Seventy years ago, our countries honorably carried out their sacred mission to maintain peace," the diplomat said. "We should jointly speak in defense of the heritage of Victory in the Second World War, international principles of equality and justice, lay foundations for peace, further development and cooperation."

Cheng gave a high assessment to the current state of the Chinese-Russian relations.

"Contacts maintained between Moscow and Beijing are an illustrative example for the entire world, a paragon of cooperation between great neighboring powers. Our peoples stood shoulder to shoulder, rendering support to one another," he said.

"Hundreds of thousands of the best sons and daughters of the two countries took part in joint long expeditions for the great cause of defending peace and justice. Many of them gave their lives, sealing the friendship of Russia and China with blood," Cheng said.

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