China calls for ceasefire in Yemen — foreign ministry


BEIJING, April 7. /TASS/. China is concerned with the situation in Yemen and hopes for UN Security Council’s constructive role in resolving the crisis in this Persian Gulf country, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying told a briefing on Tuesday.

"We call on all sides to cease fire as soon as possible in order to avoid more casualties among civilians. China also hopes that all sides will implement the relevant resolutions of UN Security Council and initiatives of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, and solve the crisis by political dialogue, restore internal stability and legal order in Yemen in the short term," Hua said.

China is concerned with the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Yemen, the spokesperson said. "The [UN] Security Council should play a constructive role in easing tensions and improving the humanitarian situation in Yemen, in promoting the political solution of the Yemeni problem," she added.

Since August 2014, Yemen has been hit by a severe political and security crisis. In late January, the armed groups of Ansar Allah (Houthi rebels) forced the president and the government to announce resignation.

The rebels later took control of the country’s capital and several northern provinces. They also announced the adoption of the so-called constitutional declaration.

Overnight to March 26, Saudi Arabia launched a military operation in the neighboring country and delivered air strikes at several Houthi positions. Yemeni President Abd Rabbah Mansur Hadi fled the country to Saudi Arabia.

Houthi rebels are currently fighting pro-government forces over control of Yemen’s second-largest city of Aden. The coalition is currently considering launching a ground operation in Yemen to oust Houthis.

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