Russia's Orenburg Strategic Missile Forces unit undergoes comprehensive check


MOSCOW, March 30. /TASS/. The Orenburg branch of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces has begun a comprehensive check-up, the Defense Ministry’s spokesman for Strategic Missile Forces, Igor Yegorov, has told TASS.

"Under the strategic missile force training plan the Orenburg branch under Major-General Anatoly Kulai is to undergo a comprehensive check-up on March 30 through April 11. Strategic Missile Forces commander Colonel-General Sergey Karakayev is in charge," he said.

The main purpose of the exercise is to estimate the real state of affairs and combat readiness and check the commanders’ competence.

"The check-up will encompass the missile army’s control system, including its logistics center. Commanders’ organization skills, the quality of personnel’s combat training, skills and morale, observance of law, order and discipline, firearms handling skills and ability to cope with the tasks set will be scrutinized," Yegorov said.

The exercise is due on March 31 through April 4. Its chief task will be to "perfect performance by the headquarters of all levels and practical skills of the command staff, operative groups and units in view of a threat of a terrorist attack."

The Orenburg strategic missile unit is armed with Topol and Voyevoda missiles.

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