Hundreds of mourners pay respect to slain opposition leader Nemtsov

People surround the coffin during a memorial service before the funeral of Russian leading opposition figure Boris Nemtsov in Moscow, March 3, 2015. (Reuters/Maxim Zmeyev)

The ceremony took place in the Sakharov Center in Moscow [named after USSR dissident and human rights activist Andrey Sakharov], from where Nemtsov’s coffin was taken to the Troekurovskoye cemetery.

Boris Nemtsov was shot several times just before midnight on Friday, while he walked across the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge leading from Red Square, in the company of a Ukrainian model, Anna Duritskaya.

Sunday’s commemoration marches for the murdered politician drew tens of thousands of mourners across Russia.

The politician’s murder could have been provocation to destabilize the political situation in Russia, according to the Russian Investigative Committee. They are also looking into four other possible reasons behind Nemtsov’s killing. It could also have been linked to the threats the politician received over his stance on the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris, or the current civil war in eastern Ukraine. The politician’s business activities and a possible assault related to his personal life are also being investigated.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has promised that everything will be done to punish those responsible for the organization of the assassination, which he described as “vile and cynical.”

READ MORE: Lavrov: Nemtsov killing a 'filthy' crime, will be investigated with utmost vigor

The crime has been condemned by leading politicians in and outside Russia, with US President Barack Obama, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel urging a thorough investigation of the crime.

Nemtsov, 55, came into the spotlight as governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region from 1991-97. He then worked as deputy prime minister under President Boris Yeltsin.

After 1998, he participated in the creation of several liberal movements and parties, serving as a member of parliament. He was an outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin’s policies.

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