Companies must disclose fracking chemicals on public lands - Obama admin

Reuters / Andrew Cullen

The Bureau of Land Management issued the first federal regulations of fracking on Friday, which come into effect in 90 days. Along with disclosing the chemicals, companies will have to ensure the protection of groundwater supplies, increase their standards for interim storage of recovered waste fluids, and take measures to lower the risk of cross-well contamination.

“Current federal well-drilling regulations are more than 30 years old and they simply have not kept pace with the technical complexities of today’s hydraulic fracturing operations,” Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell said in a statement. “This updated and strengthened rule provides a framework of safeguards and disclosure protocols that will allow for the continued responsible development of our federal oil and gas resources. As we continue to offer millions of acres of public lands for conventional and renewable energy production, it is absolutely critical the public have confidence that transparent and effective safety and environmental protections are in place.”


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