​MPs debate Iraq war inquiry delay

Reuters / Atef Hassan

The debate in the Commons is the first in which MPs specifically discussed the delay. Ministers have voiced their frustration over the repeated deferral of the publication date.

The Chilcot Inquiry, which began in 2009, examines the UK’s involvement in the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Chilcot will give evidence at the Foreign Affairs Committee on February 4 to explain the final report’s delay and why it won’t be published before the general election.

He has said there is “no realistic prospect” of the report being released before the general election on May 7.

READ MORE: Cameron has final word on release date of Iraq war report – Downing Street

On Tuesday, Chilcot said “We are conscious of our responsibility – to the public and to all those whose lives have been deeply affected by the events we are examining – to discharge our duty thoroughly, impartially and fairly.”

In a statement, the inquiry said “It had worked in strict confidence in the course of drafting its report.” It also reiterated its position “that it would not give a running commentary on its work.”

UK Prime Minister David Cameron said he was frustrated by the delay, but said the inquiry was independent of government and that he should not interfere.

READ MORE: Publish ‘Iraq war’ report before election, MPs demand

In May 2014, Cameron said he hoped the inquiry would publish its findings by Christmas last year. However, he seemed to backtrack last month, saying “I’m not in control of when this report is published. It is an independent report; it is very important that these sort [sic] of reports are not controlled or timed by the government.”

The UK's top civil servant, Sir Jeremy Heywood, has urged MPs not to push for a subpoena of the report or the publications of some of its findings before May 7.

Sir Jeremy however said all correspondence between former Prime Minister Tony Blair and ex-US President George W. Bush requested by the inquiry would be published.

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