Yemen Ready to Cooperate With Russia In Counter-Terrorism Efforts: President


MOSCOW, October 21 (RIA Novosti) - Yemeni authorities are ready to cooperate with Russia on various issues, including the fight against terrorism, the country's President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi said Tuesday.

"President Hadi announced his readiness to consider the issue of cooperation with the Russian Federation in different areas <…> including training and retraining of the local personnel, particularly for the fight against terrorism," Saba news agency quoted the Yemeni leader as saying after a meeting with Russian Ambassador Vladimir Dedushkin.

The agency added that the sides have also discussed possible steps for reconciliation of the political crisis in Yemen. President Hadi stressed the importance of an urgent creation of a unity government which would represent interests of the majority of Yemen's political spectrum.

Ambassador Dedushkin assured the Arab leader of Moscow's full support in political stabilization efforts.

After the 2011 power transition, Yemen has seen an increase in terrorist activity, particularly by al-Qaeda fighters. The Houthis, the main opposition force in Yemen, have been carrying out protests in the country since mid-August, demanding the resignation of the Yemeni government, which they say was corrupt and marginalized the Shiite community in the country. Houthi militias have taken over many Yemeni cities, including areas of the capital Sanaa. The fighters claim they are acting to protect civilians from terrorism.

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