Ukrainian Crisis Affects Netherlands' Relations with Russia: Ambassador


ST. PETERSBURG, October 22 (RIA Novosti) - The Netherlands hopes for an early resolution of the Ukrainian crisis, as it affects the country's economic relations with Russia, the Dutch Ambassador to Russia told reporters during his visit to St. Petersburg Wednesday.

Ambassador Ron van Dartel expressed hope that compromise will be achieved in near future, as with Ukrainian crisis staying unresolved, losses for the relations between Russia and the Netherlands become greater.

Dartel noted that the Netherlands is trying to hold a constant dialogue with Ukraine at every level, from the highest to the level of regional powers, in order to find a solution to the crisis.

Relations between Russia and the West have deteriorated amid the crisis in Ukraine. The United States and its allies have repeatedly accused Russia of meddling in Ukraine's internal affairs, sending troops to Ukraine, and have gone as far as to claim that Moscow planned to invade Ukraine. However, none of their statements have been substantiated.

Over the past few months, a number of Western countries have introduced several rounds of economic sanctions against Russia. In August Moscow responded to western sanctions, implementing a one-year ban on certain food imports from the European Union, the United States, Australia, Canada and Norway.

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