Moscow Police Special Forces Host Open House


Seems that it was a while since we had something about the army or police trainings and you probably started missing this stuff already. So here, Evgeny, the “Russian Blogger” has visited an event which Moscow Police Special Forces were making to display their actual forces and enforcements in action. Pretty picturesque and also you might already noticed there is snow already. So let’s see what they have there:

Basically the event was held in special place, sort of giant shooting range near the Moscow where a lot of new weapons were tested. It is pretty large – twenty eight kilometers long and six kilometers wide lost in the Moscow region woods and fields. This big gun is also has been tested there.

And tanks. I am not sure if they belong to Police Special Forces as well. No wonder if yes.

So here the special forces gunmen show the civilians how to use heavy guns.

As young as kids are allowed.

Then marching.

And twisting guns. Looks like its pretty old technology here. Old but always wanted.

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