Pacific Fleet Ships, Aircraft Respond to Simulated Enemy Threat During Drills


VLADIVOSTOK, September 21 (RIA Novosti) - Some 30 ships alongside air forces of the Pacific Fleet have started warding off the attack of a simulated enemy during military exercises in Russia's Far East, a Russian Defense Ministry representative reported Sunday.

"Hunter-killer and minesweeping task teams of the Pacific Fleet have been placed in the designated areas of the northwestern Pacific, the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan. After that, they started practicing warding off the attack on the fleet," the representative said.

He also said that the exercise sees the participation of approximately 30 vessels that cooperate with anti-submarine air force units including Il-38 and Tu-142 aircraft, as well as Ka-27PL helicopters. The air force units are tasked with locating the submarines of the simulated enemy in the designated areas.

The Tu-142 and Il-38 crews will place sonobuoys in the areas where the submarines are presumably located and the helicopter crews will practice searching for the submarine with the help of hydroacoustic stations.

"Anti-submarine ships … have to detect and classify the submarine of the simulated enemy in the shortest time, repel its attack and use rocket-propelled depth charges to force the submarine to surface," the source added.

The operation is conducted as part of the Vostok 2014 strategic military exercises in the Eastern Military District. The drills are taking place from September 19 to 25. The exercises were preceded by unannounced combat readiness checks.

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