International Koktebel Jazz Party Concludes in Crimea


KOKTEBEL (Crimea), September 16 (RIA Novosti) - Crimea's Koktebel Jazz Party international festival, organized by Rossiya Segodnya Information Agency and Russia’s Culture Ministry of Culture, closed late Monday after four days of jazz by musicians from all over the world.

"I am grateful to all, who came to our Koktebel Jazz Party. We put the festival together very quickly, literally within three months. The whole team has literally gone all out. Musicians came from Armenia, India, America, and from Russian regions. I am thankful to all those, who supported our festival, to our sponsors," Director General of Rossiya Segodnya Dmitry Kiselev said at the closing.

The festival became the first large-scale international cultural event to be held in Crimea after its reunification with Russia. The event used no state budget resources, and all the proceeds from the tickets will go toward the development of the Black Sea peninsula, Kiselev said.

"The fairy tale has to end at some point, but it will be continued next year," he said before giving the stage to the closing show by US musicians from The Jamal Thomas Band.

Hosted in Koktebel, one of the most popular resort towns in Crimea, on September 12-15, the festival presented some of the best jazz bands from Russia, Brazil, the United States, Israel, Britain, India, Armenia, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.

The festival received support from Russian power company Rosseti as the main partner, Russian Railways (RZD) as the official partner, and ticket agency as the official ticket partner.

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