EU, US Ties Should Return to Pragmatic Cooperation, Move Away From Sanctions - Lavrov


MOSCOW, September 1 (RIA Novosti) -Moscow is certain that ties with the United States and the European Union must return to a path of pragmatic cooperation, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday.

“We are sure that relations with the US and the European Union should and must return to the path of pragmatic cooperation on the basis of equal and mutual respect. But in order to do that, of course, it’s necessary to stop the absolutely non-perspective policy of threats, ultimatums, and sanctions,” Lavrov said.

Relations between Russia and the West have deteriorated over the Ukrainian conflict, as Western governments and media have accused Moscow of aiding independence supporters in eastern Ukraine.

The European Union and the United States have imposed several rounds of economic sanctions, targeting Russia’s defense, energy and financial sectors. The Russian side reacted by imposing a year-long ban on certain food imports from the European Union, the United States, Canada, Australia and Norway.

At the EU Summit held in Brussels on August 30, European leaders urged the European Commission to create proposals for new economic sanctions against Russia within one week.

Russia denies any involvement in the Ukrainian conflict and has repeatedly called the sanctions counterproductive.

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