Windmill Made of Scrap


This windmill resembles an awkward robot from an old science fiction story, its wide hands-blades either rotate or become immovable. The author of the project Moteyus Synkyavychus from Belarus had estimated all technical characteristics of the fifteen-meters windmill in his mind and made it from old auto parts. The power it produces is enough to provide illumination for his yard and shops. Though he built it more for pleasure and entertainment, rather than for power supply.

If you can work hard and have a clear head in a remote village of Belarus, you can have respect of people and wealth. The family of Moteyus came here from Lithuania in the 90s, here he started to do what he liked most – stone carving. All tools and machines for the work were made with his own hands.

At the age of eighteen Moteyus assembled his first tractor.

The structure is supported by four discarded reinforced concrete poles of power transmission lines. Moteyus installed them by himself, using a crane and a winch he had previously made. The windmill is secured well, for each pole a hole 1,5 m deep was dug out in the ground.

Almost every component of the windmill is an old auto part.

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