Steven Seagal, Russia’s Rogozin Visit Oboronexpo-2014 Arms Exhibition


MOSCOW, August 14 (RIA Novosti) -ZHUKOVSKY, MOSCOW REGION (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin and American actor Steven Seagal visited the Russian weapons exhibition at the Oboronexpo-2014 forum Thursday.

Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin, responsible for Russia’s military-industrial complex, accompanied by the American movie star, examined the production of key Russian military industrial enterprises, including the United Engine Corporation (UEC), Rostov Optical Mechanical Plant (ROMZ) and Uralvagonzavod (UVZ). The UVZ representatives presented Seagal with a T-shirt. Rogozin and Seagal also visited the US Honeywell Corporation stand, which also exhibited its products at the Oboronexpo forum.

Seagal, who earlier declared his readiness to discuss an advertising contract with Russia’s Kalashnikov concern, has expressed interest in a heavy-caliber sniper rifle made by the Tula KBP Instrument Design Bureau. The deputy prime minister also discussed the “Tigr-Kornet” anti-tank system with Seagal, stressing that the vehicle is capable of destroying a group of tanks by itself. The 62-year-old movie star was also shown the most advanced Russian weapons systems in the KRET (Concern Radio-Electronic Technologies) exhibition hall.

Oboronexpo-2014 is an international defense exhibition held in the city of Zhukovsky, near Moscow on August 13-17. The event involves about 240 Russian Defense sector companies and corporations from CIS countries, Germany, France, China, India and Turkey. Russia’s state-run arms exporter, Rosoboronexport, has signed contracts for $100 million during the first two days of the forum.

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