Russia Urges Ukraine to Adopt Federal Constitution


MOSCOW, March 17 (RIA Novosti) – Moscow on Monday called on Ukraine to draft a new federal constitution granting broadened powers to the country's disparate regions in order to protect minority populations.

Russian leaders have in recent weeks expressed concern that the new government that rose to power in Ukraine amid violent protests in the capital Kiev does not represent the interests of all segments of the country’s society.

The Russian Foreign Ministry urged the Ukrainian parliament in a statement Monday to convene a constitutional assembly to provide for greater autonomy for the country’s regions, guarantee Russian as a second official language, and enshrine a principle of geopolitical neutrality for the country.

The draft constitution would need to pass a public referendum before nationwide elections are held, the ministry said.

Russia has proposed setting up an international contact group to resolve the political crisis in Ukraine that erupted in November following a step back by President Viktor Yanukovych from closer ties with Europe.

Months-long protests in the country's capital Kiev that repeatedly turned deadly eventually led to his ouster by a vote of parliament February 22.

“The current situation in Ukraine was not created by us, it is the result of a deep crisis in the Ukrainian state that led to a polarization of society and an escalation of conflict among various parts of the country,” the statement said.

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