Large Russian Ship Sunk to Block Ukrainian Ones


Large anti-submarine ship “Ochakov” was a masterpiece of engineering of the 70s. It participated in nine combat campaigns in the Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, overcame hundred of thousands sea miles for sixteen years of active service. But how is this nice ship, the pride of the USSR, connected with the present situation in the Crimea, Ukraine?

“Ochakov” accepted numerous foreign delegations and enraptured diplomats and military attaches of other countries. It visited many foreign ports – from close Varna to remote Havana. The gorgeous “Ochakov” was called “the best ship of the naval forces” thrice.

But on the night of March 6th, 2014 this wonderful ship, excluded from the Black Sea Fleet in 2011, was sunk at the Crimean shore. According to eyewitnesses, the operation was being performed deeply at night using Russian ships with a purpose to block the Southern naval military base of Ukraine in Lake Donuzlav…

“Ochakov” has a really long body (173 m) – it’s enough to deadly block entry and exit to Donuzlav Lake where presently six combat ships (including a major amphibious ship “Kostyantyn Olshansky” (U-402)) Ukrainian naval forces are based.

Some more Russian ships have been presumably sunk together with “Ochakov” in the water way of Donuzlav.

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