Russia’s Top Oncologist Discourages Treatment Abroad


MOSCOW, December 9 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s top oncologist said Monday that Russians with cancer do not need to travel abroad for treatment because local clinics are “no worse than in any other country.”

“We see many instances of patients spending a long time abroad for treatment and, in the end, returning to Moscow,” said Mikhail Davydov, chief oncologist at Russia’s Health Ministry.

“Russia’s specialized clinics have enough experience to treat all types of tumors,” Davydov said, noting that the most common cancers among men are lung and stomach, while among women – breast and ovarian.

Russia’s previous top oncologist said earlier this year that the country’s cancer rates were on average less than half those in the United States.

Davydov noted on Monday, however, that of the 500,000 Russians diagnosed with cancer annually, about 300,000 die.

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