Russians Flock to Guam for Sunshine and Shopping


WASHINGTON, December 11 (RIA Novosti) – High-spending Russian tourists have become a hit with residents of the remote Pacific island of Guam, which Russians can visit without a visa.

Russians weary of the long, dark, freezing winters at home are visiting Guam in increasing numbers – and they stay longer and spend more than tourists from any other country, the Pacific Daily News reported.

“They take full advantage of long vacation periods and maximize their time abroad, especially during their harsh winter season,” Guam Visitors Bureau general manager Karl Pangelinan told the newspaper, citing the results of an exit survey conducted by his agency.

Russians stay for an average of slightly more than 13 days in the unincorporated United States territory, more than three times longer than the typical tourist from Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong, the survey found.

Pangelinan described Russians as “great consumers.” The survey showed that the average Russian tourist spends an average of $1,600 per day on transportation, meals, gifts and other expenses – after spending $2,000 each on flight and accommodation costs.

More than 6,100 Russians tourists have traveled to Guam this year, more than double last year’s number.

Pangelinan told the paper that Russians like the island’s luxury retail goods and tend to purchase items in bulk. He said: “Additionally, they are huge consumers of food and beverage and are prepared to pay for quality cuisine.”

Pangelinan said a federal visa waiver program through the US Department of Homeland Security made traveling to Guam “very convenient” for Russian tourists. “This has meant everything to Guam for our ability to regularly welcome the Russian traveler.”

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