Russian Sailors End Strike Over Wages in South Korea


VLADIVOSTOK, December 27 (RIA Novosti) – The Russian crew of 20 on a Belize-flagged cargo ship ended their strike at a South Korean port Friday after being paid their full salaries.

The sailors, from Russia’s Far East, went on strike in the port of Inchon, South Korea earlier this week demanding $130,000 of unpaid wages.

“$35,000 was delivered to the sailors on board of the vessel. The crew decided to continue unloading,” Nikolai Sukhanov, representing a Far Eastern branch of a sailors labor union, said on Friday.

The rest of the outstanding cash was transfered to their accounts in Russia, he said.

Their ship, the President, is owned by the Norway-based President Bulker company and operated by Russia-based Korablestroitel. Neither firm commented on the matter.

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