Russian Man Jailed for Ferrying People During Far East Floods


MOSCOW, December 10 (RIA Novosti) – A Russian man who ferried people to their homes during huge floods in the country's Far East earlier this year has been jailed for nine months for violating safety norms, prosecutors said Tuesday.

The boat-owner from the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur charged drunk customers and drug addicts for passage to their submerged homes without observing safety regulations, or carrying sufficient lifesaving equipment, Far East transportation prosecutors said in a statement.

Russia’s Far East was hit by flooding earlier this year that meteorologists said was the worst the country has seen since the 19th century. More than a hundred thousand people were affected.

© RIA Novosti.

The man, who was not named, will serve nine months in a strict regime penal colony, prosecutors said.

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