Kremlin Cancels New Year's Party – Spokesman


GORKI, December 26 (RIA Novosti) – Russia's presidential administration has decided to cancel its traditional New Year's party this year, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday.

Many state-run companies and organizations, including rail monopoly RZD, telecoms giant Rostelecom and Russian Post, cancelled their traditional corporate New Year celebrations after Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke out earlier this month against financing such events from the state budget.

Peskov said the planned party was cancelled “in line with that tendency” and every department will have to organize and finance its own New Year celebrations.

However, an annual New Year party organized on behalf of the president for top state officials, party leaders and media chiefs, will take place on Friday, because it is “a state protocol event” that has “no relations to corporate parties at all,” he said.

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