Half of Russians Describe 2013 as Successful Year - Poll


MOSCOW, December 28 (RIA Novosti) – More than a half of Russians said they will remember 2013 as a successful year for them, an independent pollster said on Saturday.

A total of 51 percent said the year was successful for them, 24 said it was unsuccessful and 25 percent had no answer.

However, 30 percent said that this year was more difficult for them as compared to 2012, 23 percent said it was easier and nearly half of respondents (47 percent) said they saw little or no difference with the previous year.

When asked to comment on how the whole country lived through 2013, 46 percent said it was almost the same as the previous year. Thirty-six percent said it was more difficult and 20 percent said it was easier.

The survey was conducted on December 20-24 among 1,603 respondents in 130 cities and towns. The margin of error is below 3.4 percent.

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