Top 25 Fantastic Soviet Buildings


Most of us treat Soviet architecture of the 1960-80s rather sceptically. Such opinion is reasoned, of course. Nevertheless the project institutions of the USSR also created very bold structures which looked like aliens from some sci-fi movies. Here is a list of the craziest, most stereotype breaking buildings born in the times of Khruschev and Brezhnev.

25. Circle houses in Moscow.

The first one was built in 1973, its twin “brother” – six years later. The inner diameter of the house is 155 meters. There are 26 sections and 912 flats in the house, its total dwelling living area is 27 334 m2.

24. Historic and ethnographic museum on Sulaiman-Too mountain in Osh, Kirghizia.

The museum complex was built in 1978. Its structure represents a huge glassed concrete arch which in fact closes the entry to the cave. Initially they planned to use it for a restaurant but it never happened.


23. “Sport” hotel, Tallinn, Estonia.

It was built in 1980 for participants and guests of the Olympic Games (sailing competitions were held in Tallinn).

According to the project it had to resemble a huge ship with a restaurant in its deck-house.

22. Railway station Dubulty, Latvia.

Located in Yurmala under Riga the building of the station appeared in 1977 to celebrate its 100th anniversary.

Its structure resembles a wave (Yurmala is a city of resorts).

21. Pavilion on the territory of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

One of the pavilions represented the construction made from hyperboloid column-structures with the unified inner exhibition space. Unfortunately this building has not been preserved to the present days.

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