Russia Near Last in Environment Protection Ranking


MOSCOW, November 18 (RIA Novosti) – Russia ranked 53rd out of 58 countries in a new ranking of efforts to prevent climate change.

Russia lost two slots from last year in the Climate Change Performance Index, presented Monday at a climate conference in Warsaw by the Bohn-based NGO Germanwatch.

The first three slots in this year’s rating were left unoccupied to reflect the insufficient global climate protection effort, the report said.

Russia managed to outperform Turkey, Canada, Kazakhstan, Iran and Saudi Arabia, which were respectively placed at the bottom of the ranking.

But China, Brazil, South Africa and neighboring Ukraine all outranked Russia, which has been losing ground in every installment of the study since it premiered in 2005.

Denmark was the best performer, followed by Sweden and Portugal. Britain was 10th, and the United States 43rd.

The study covered countries responsible for more than 90 percent of the world’s carbon gas emissions, ranking them based on actual emissions as well as environmental policy.

Russia is the world’s fourth-largest greenhouse gas emitter after China, the United States and India, according to the study.

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