How Cotton Is Picked in Uzbekistan


Today we are going to show you how they pick cotton in Uzbekistan. It’s quite interesting cause most part of clothes we wear is made from cotton. In Uzbekistan cotton is one of the main items of income, in 2008 it was the third country in the world according to the export of cotton and the sixth – according to its production.

Just the way people used to be forced to work on collective farms in the Soviet times, practically all students and state employees are made to pick cotton in Uzbekistan. In fact it’s a voluntary work nobody can refuse to do. It’s not paid for, of course.

By the way school children do not participate.


Cotton has always been very important for the country. Just look at their old and modern flags.

Ripen cotton seed. It is wet inside.

Cotton field.

The country is full of such fields. Probably only the territory of the Kyzyl-Kum desert in the centre of the country does not have any.

The canal system for irrigation of cotton caused the serious ecological catastrophe in the Aral Sea.

Such funny tractors with a small front wheel are used for work in the fields. This wheel can be promptly dismantled and replaced by two. But harvesting is done manually anyway.

Since 8 am to 5 pm the fields are full of people who work suffering from the heat and chemicals covering cotton.

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