Bill to Mandate Law Degree for Russian Prosecutors


MOSCOW , November 19 (RAPSI) A draft bill to prohibit Russian prosecutors from employing staff without a law degree has been submitted to the lower house of parliament, a newspaper reported Tuesday.

The draft law submitted to the State Duma states that only people with a legal degree can oversee compliance with the law, Rossiiskaya Gazeta government daily reported.

An explanatory note to the document says that the existing law permits the employment of people that have completed at least half of a university law degree.

"This means that people without a complete legal degree can be employed as assistant regional or city prosecutors, or in comparable posts," the bill's authors say.

The bill also stipulates obligatory advanced training courses for prosecutors that must be attended at least once every five years.

According to the newspaper, universities will train future prosecutors at special departments. Some institutes have already established departments that train professionals specifically to work as prosecutors.

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