Ambulance Called to Trial of Anti-Kremlin Protesters in Moscow


MOSCOW, November 19 (RIA Novosti) – An ambulance was called to a Moscow court where opposition activists are on trial for taking part in an anti-government rally that turned violent last year, a lawyer said Tuesday.

A total of 12 activists have been brought before the Russian capital's Zamoskvoretsky District Court on charges that include participation in mass disturbances, violence against a person in authority and inciting disorder.

According to lawyers, activist Sergei Krivov went on hunger strike nearly two months ago to protest alleged violations of his rights during the trial.

“I saw paramedics enter the courtroom together with Krivov’s lawyer Vyacheslav Makarov while the defendants were inside,” Sergei Badamshin, a lawyer for another suspect in the case, told RAPSI legal news agency. “I don’t know what happened when they entered the room.”

A rally held on Moscow’s central Bolotnaya Square in May 2012 on the eve of Vladimir Putin's inauguration for a new term as president descended into violence. Over 400 people were detained after protesters clashed with police in scuffles that both the police and protesters each accuse the other side of instigating.

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