All-Time Record Set for Warmest Fall Night in Moscow


MOSCOW, November 6 (RIA Novosti) – Russian weather experts have said that Tuesday night was the hottest ever recorded in Moscow during the fall season.

Mayak radio station cited the Moscow Weather Bureau as saying that overnight temperatures in the city stood at around 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit).

Temperatures in Moscow typically hover around freezing point by November, but the weather has been atypically warm this year.

Moscow Weather Bureau chief specialist Tatyana Pozdnyakova told Ekho Moskvy radio station that average temperatures in Moscow are currently between 8 and 11 degrees Celsius (between 46 and 52 degrees Fahrenheit) above the norm.

On Wednesday, the mercury rose to 14.8 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit), marking the warmest November day in 175 years, said Yelena Volosyuk, an expert with the Fobos Weather Center.

Volosyuk said the mild conditions in Moscow were caused by a warm front coming in from the Mediterranean Sea and that anomalous weather conditions would persist until the end of the month.

Temperatures are set to decrease later in the week, but will still remain above average levels.

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