Kremlin Rights Council Decries Photographer Arrest in Greenpeace Case


MOSCOW, October 4 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s Presidential Human Rights Council has sharply criticized the arrest and piracy charges against a prominent Russian freelance photographer who was on an assignment to cover a Greenpeace protest action at a Gazprom oil rig in the Arctic.

In a statement posted on its website early on Friday, the council called the detention of Denis Sinyakov a direct violation of Russia’s law on mass media, which protects the rights of journalists, including freelancers, when they work in their professional capacity.

The council said Sinyakov was on board the Arctic Sunrise icebreaker on assignment from media outlet and did not take direct part in protest action on September 18 when Greenpeace activists tried to scale the Prirazlomnaya oil platform in the Pechora Sea.

“We regard the arrest and piracy charges against Denis Sinyakov as an attempt to put pressure on mass media,” the council said.

Russian authorities on Thursday completed pressing piracy charges against all 30 people detained aboard the Arctic Sunrise.

The defendants, who represent 18 different nationalities, will be kept in pretrial custody until November 24. They are facing up to 15 years in jail if convicted.

Sinyakov’s arrest has already been condemned by Russia’s Journalists’ Union and some prominent Russian media outlets, as well as international media freedom non-governmental organization Reporters Without Borders.

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