Russia Calls on US to Prosecute Abusers of Russian Adoptees


MOSCOW, September 19 (RAPSI) – Russia’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Thursday demanding that the United States prosecute anyone responsible for abusing children adopted from Russia, following a Reuters report that some such adoptees had fallen victim to sex crimes.

"Russia calls attention to the fact that at least 26 children have been used by an illegal enterprise that circumvented the American adoption authorities and gave those Russian children to people who were not their biological or adoptive parents,” said Konstantin Dolgov, the Foreign Ministry's point man for human rights.

“This is even more alarming following a Reuters report that some of those children became the victims of pedophiles who used them to produce pornography," Dolgov said. Earlier this month, Reuters published an investigative report that uncovered an illegal network dealing in the trade of underage children in the United States.

The Foreign Ministry said, citing Reuters, that monitoring of social networks revealed that hundreds of biological and adoptive parents had offered their children up for sale. The Foreign Ministry sadded that US authorities must conduct thorough investigations into all such cases and send the findings to Russia.

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