$14,000 Pink Poodle Flees Russian Circus, Possibly for Mate


MOSCOW, September 20 (RIA Novosti) – A trick-performing male pink poodle fled a Russian circus ahead of a performance, apparently attracted by a potential mate, prompting its desperate owners to post a reward of 450,000 rubles ($14,000) for his safe return – which was still unclaimed as of early Friday.

Pers (“Persian”), a purebred, ran away from his trainer at the St. Petersburg-based circus as he was going for a walk without a leash while the troupe was in the central Russian city of Cheboksary, local news website Pg21.ru reported.

“He must have sensed a female dog nearby and got to chasing it. He’s male, after all,” circus manager Viktor Rassadin was citing as saying Tuesday.

Though the pinkish animal is easily recognizable by its fur and rhinestone-decorated collar, the dog could not be found anywhere in the city, the report said. The circus has until next week to find Pers or a replacement for upcoming shows in Cheboksary.

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