Gergiev Fetes 60th Birthday With Carnegie Concerts


WASHINGTON, August 27 (RIA Novosti) – Russian maestro Valery Gergiev will celebrate his 60th birthday at Carnegie Hall in New York this October with three concerts featuring music of Russian composers Stravinsky, Shostakovich and Rachmaninoff, entertainment media reported.

Gergiev, who is also marking his 25th year with Russia’s legendary Mariinsky Orchestra, will conduct an all-Stravinsky program on October 10, featuring the composer’s most famous ballet music “The Firebird,” “Petrouchka,” and “The Rite of Spring.”

On October 11 Gergiev will conduct performance of a Shostakovich concerto and the composer’s Eighth Symphony followed by Rachmaninoff’s “Symphonic Dances” and a piano concerto on October 15, the Broadway entertainment news portal said Monday.

The Mariinsky is one of the oldest orchestras in Russia, having premiered works by Russian composers including Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev and Shostakovich among many others.

Gergiev first conducted the orchestra in 1978, and since becoming Artistic and General Director in 1996 has toured the ensemble in more than 45 countries and won acclaim for widely expanding its repertoire, according to Broadway World.

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