Fuel For a Nuclear Plant: How Is It Made?


How do they extract fuel for nuclear plants? What do they do with it? How do they make energy from it? Let’s find this out.

Natural uranium contains only 0,7% of uranium 235 and 99,3% of uranium 238. Most reactors apply enriched uranium – uranium 235. Reserves of natural uranium amount to 4,3 million tons (intelligence information only). Reserves of extracted uranium – 240 thousands of tons.

Extracted uranium is turned into uranium hexafluoride. It is achieved by fluorination of uranium tetrafluoride.

Extracted ore that contains only some kilograms of uranium per ton is concentrated and crushed to be subsequently processed. The resulting powder contains 70% of uranium.

Enriched uranium is made according to the centrifugal technology (enriched uranium is selected in the center of the gas centrifuge rotating at high speed. In the end it becomes brown).

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