Russia Issues Travel Ban for Dutch Gay Propaganda Suspects


MOSCOW, July 23 (RIA Novosti) – Russian migration authorities on Tuesday banned four Dutch nations from entering Russia for three years after the group was implicated in promoting homosexual relations among minors.

Investigators and migration officials reportedly detained the four, who were making a film about gay rights in Russia, on Sunday afternoon at a campsite during an event for young gay-rights activists. The group was reportedly released after about eight hours of questioning.

The Federal Migration Service said the reason behind the entry ban was that the four Dutch activists said the purpose of their visit to Russia was “cultural exchange.”

“Their declared purpose of visit to Russia differed from what they really did,” said a spokesman for the migration service.

The detentions were one of the first instances of the enforcement of controversial Russian legislation banning the promotion of “non-traditional relationships” toward minors. Individuals in violation of the law, which was signed by President Vladimir Putin earlier this month, can be fined up to 100,000 rubles ($3,000).

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