Kazakh Water Cooling Towers: Morning In the Hyperboloid


There are about fifteen heating plants in Moscow. Their pipes can be of two types: smoking ones – high and “slender” and water-cooling towers – short and thick. The second ones are absolutely harmless for the environment, they are in fact like ordinary humidifiers but as high as a twelve-storey house.

Right now we are going to visit the Kazakhstan regional heating plant-3 in Karaganda and inspect the construction from all sides.

This is how water-cooling towers look like in Moscow from the height.

Water is cooled due to its partial evaporation when it drops down from the special sprinkler along which an air stream is supplied in the direction opposed to the water flow. In other words, water flows down while the powerful current of the air raises up evaporating and cooling the water.

When 1% of the water evaporates, the temperature of the remaining mass drops for 6 °C.

The irrigation area of the water cooling tower is 3200 m.

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