US Gov’t Watchdog Urges Pentagon to Suspend Russian Arms Deal


WASHINGTON, June 28 (RIA Novosti) - The Special US Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction urged the Pentagon on Friday to put on hold its $553 million arms deal with Russia for helicopters for the Afghan Special Mission Wing until the unit is fully recruited and properly trained, the AP reported.

Since May 2011 the Pentagon has bought 33 Mi-17 helicopters from Rosoboronexport, the state-run Russian arms exporter, and signed a contract for 30 more June 17, in the face of fierce opposition from Congress.

But in a report released Friday, the Special Inspector warned that the Afghan Special Mission Wing lacks qualified staff to operate and maintain the aircraft, and the purchases should be suspended until the situation is rectified.

Congress barred purchases from Rosoboronexport, a major supplier of arms to Syrian President Bashar Assad, in the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act, but the Pentagon tapped 2012 funding to purchase the 30 new helicopters this month.

The Special Inspector also recommended suspending a $218 million US arms deal for the same Afghan unit.

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