Spooky Reaserch Centre Abandoned In the 90s


This is an abandoned scientific and research institute of the special purpose which closed back in the 90s due to some unknown reasons. Its premises are preserved rather well so it is quite curious to see them today.

What experiments did they carry out here?

The kingdom of metal scrap.

Do not go to such places if you are claustrophobic.

“Entrance is allowed”, “No entrance”.

Here used to be fires..

It’s hard to believe these machines used to work..

Halls on the upper floor.

View from the main building of the institute.

Various certificates still hang on the walls.

All this furniture could look much worse.

There are still a lot of chemicals here.

Information stands are everywhere.

Hello from the USSR. The time stopped here in the 90s though it seems like it did in the 70s.

Various union cards.

And drawings, schemes, experiment descriptions…

A lot of chemical glassware is broken, liquids – spilled.

More posters…

Circuit boards.

Someone may still remember such Soviet calculators.

Different books.

Decayed analytical scales.

Some foreign equipment.

Some glassware is new.

This centre still belongs to the Ministry of Defence but it probably does not know what to do with it today. They say that if you try to find some information about the centre and find out what they used to do there and what is located on its territory, you can become really terrified…

via alexdoomer2009

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