Hundreds of Russians Request Asylum in Poland Every Week


MOSCOW, June 27 (RIA Novosti) – Several hundred Russians apply for political asylum in Poland every week, that country’s ambassador to Russia said Thursday.

In the past month and a half, “450 to 600 people with Russian passports have requested political asylum every week,” the envoy said, adding that the number of applications sometimes reached 900.

Most of the applicants enter Poland from Belarus and claim to be natives of Chechnya, Ambassador Wojciech Zajaczkowski said at a meeting with a high-ranking Russian lawmaker. He added that most of the requests were rejected.

Ilyas Umakhanov, vice speaker of Russia’s upper house of parliament, replied that such a high number suggested that “there is a well-organized channel for the illegal transportation of people.”

He asked the ambassador to provide lists of the Russian passport holders who cross the Belarusian-Polish border without a visa, so that it would be easier to understand the causes of such large-scale migration.

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