Life In Catacombs: How Was It Like?


Odessa catacombs formed at the place of a quarry. The city was growing very fast and they needed a lot of shell rock (it’s the main construction material in Odessa). The length of the catacombs is 3000 km!

“Undying glory to the heroes fallen in the battles for freedom and independance of our motherland”.

“In 1941-42 here, in the catacombs of Nerubaiskoye village, was an undergroud camp was a partisan unit under the command of a chekist, hero of the Soviet Union, Molodtsov-Badaev who successfully acted in the enemy’s rear”.

This hole resembles a fist which is rather symbolic in view of the role of these catacombs and its defenders in the times of WWII.

Life of the defenders was arranged rather well in the catacombs. This is, for instance, the grindstone for making flour.

The breadmaker was made from a barrel working on kerosene. Flour is in the box.

“Blood for blood, death for death” – the main motto of partisans.

They rested on such a couch. Six persons could lie on it. Dry grass made it softer.

Temperature and humidity in the catacombs were permanent all year around respectively.

Headquarters for meetings and making propaganda leaflets. Here they could also listen to music and play chess.


“The Soviet Republic is surrounded by the enemy. It must be a unified military camp not only in word. Work of all institutes must be adapted to war and militarized. July 3rd, 1919. V. I. Lenin.”

“From now and on all Soviet peoples have to kill all Germans who came to the territory of our motherland as occupiers. Death to all German occupiers! I. Stalin.”

Defeat of the nazi German troops under Moscow, 1941-42.

The main sources of light were kerosene lamps and candles.

Portable radio transmitter.

Room of a radio-operator.

In the arms room.

“Hammer the enemy for sure!”

Molotov cocktails, mines and the board with nails to stop vehicles.

Saws for processing shell rock blocks (the main construction material of the catacombs).

The room for shooting skills training.

This barricade was intended for destroying the enemy in the corridors of catacombs.

The humidity in the catacombs was permanently equal to 98% so they dried linen in three stages:

1. Around the barrel heated by kerosene lamps.

2. Ironing.

3. Being still wet clothes were dried on bodies of people.

Coal iron.

This well was used to give messages to partisans. From above it looks like an ordinary well for water.

Partisan bas-reliefs are carved on the walls of the catacombs.

In the middle is the face of Garkusha who was 72 then.

The same person.

Grieving mother.

This room was used for schooling: abacus, blackboard and kerosene lamp shaped as a bat.

“Desks” for pupils.

Hospital for the injured.

Medical equipment.

Hitler meeting guests.

This coal pictures were made by a Slovak who joined Soviet people – Gustav Bezak.

“Daddy, kill the German man!”

“Holy blood of the Crimean heroes and the heroes of Odessa calls to victory! Go!”

“Join citizens-in-arms!”

There is a museum of partisan glory in the catacombs.

“You exploded dark catacombs and black nights of Odessa with your hearts!”

via phobosoid

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