12 Injured in Dagestan Bombing


MAKHACHKALA, May 25 (RIA Novosti) – Twelve people, including seven civilians and five police officers, were injured in a suicide bombing in Dagestani capital Makhachkala on Saturday.

Initial reports said one policeman died in hospital, but a spokesman for police in the North Caucasus republic later denied it. All victims were hospitalized.

The attack targeted regional police headquarters, the spokesman said.

The bomber was the widow of an unnamed militant slain earlier by the law enforcements, a police source told RIA Novosti.

Security services in the North Caucasus are struggling to suppress the resilient local Islamist insurgency.

In a separate incident, an unidentified man shot and wounded two police officers who stopped him for a document check in Makhachkala late Friday, the Investigative Committee said. The attacker fled the scene.

On Monday, a twin bombing took place near the republican office of the Federal Court Marshals Service in Makhachkala, killing four and injuring 48.

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