Bailiffs Seize Tsar Bust From Bankrupt Vodka Boss


KRASNOYARSK, April 30 (RAPSI) – Bailiffs in a village in Siberia have seized a 500 kg bronze bust of Emperor Nicholas II put up by a bankrupt local vodka producer, the Federal Bailiff Service said on Monday.

The Krasnoyarsk Commercial Court is currently hearing a bankruptcy case initiated by Russia’s largest lender Sberbank after Shushenskaya Marka, one of the leading local vodka producers, failed to repay loans.

The court issued a warrant to seize the distillery’s property after the bank claimed it lent the company around 600 million rubles ($19.4 million) in 2009-2012 which had not been repaid.

“Bailiffs have arrested the company's assets worth 167.139 million rubles, including the Nicholas II bust on the distillery's grounds,” said Natalia Fomina, a regional spokesperson for the Federal Bailiff Service.

Shushenskaya Marka, located in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, had been operating since 1971 but ceased production at the end of last year.

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