Suicide Attempt Ruled Hooliganism in Siberia


MOSCOW, March 8 (RIA Novosti) – Taking one’s life is supposed to resolve some existential questions – but all that a drunken Siberian man got out of a suicide attempt was a prospect of a $30 fine or two weeks in the slammer.

The unidentified native of the town of Berezovsky in Kemerovo Region jumped out of a fifth-floor window in front of his wife and police, local news website reported on Thursday.

However, he landed in snow (it was minus 13 degrees Celsius in the area) and survived unscathed, the report said.

Showing dedication, he headed back to the fifth floor for a second try, but had to abort it because at this point, police detained him, the report said.

The inebriated man was shipped off to a police precinct and now faces charges of petty hooliganism, punishable with short-term arrest or a fine of up to 1,000 rubles ($33), said. It remained unclear when the case was to be reviewed by a magistrate.

The man appeared to be earning a reputation for suicide proclivity: Last October, he already slashed his veins right in the lobby of his apartment building, but was saved by police, who diagnosed his alcoholism as the cause of his suicidal urges, news website said.

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