Russian Teen Charged with Cemetery Murder


MOSCOW, March 6 (RIA Novosti) – An 18-year-old student was charged on Wednesday with murdering a man in a cemetery near Moscow and cutting a swastika into his forehead, police said.

Investigators said they believe the student and a 21-year-old suspected accomplice came across a sleeping man in the cemetery, woke him up and attacked him with “homemade Nunchakus,” (martial arts weapons) causing “multiple head injuries.”

Their victim died at the scene, police said, after which the youths are said to have “carved a swastika on his forehead, in order, according to them, to show that the murder had been committed by skinheads” in order to throw the police off the scent.

The murder took place last on April 30, Walpurgis Night, a pagan holiday on which evil beings are said to walk the Earth. Investigators said both suspects had long been fascinated by the occult.

Investigators said questioning had revealed that one of the youths had previously murdered an acquaintance in 2010, “beheading him and placing his head on an anthill and his body in a pit.”

It was not clear which of the two suspects police were referring to.

The elder of the two suspects will be tried separately, police said. A court is due to rule on possible psychiatric help and compulsory medication for the suspects in the near future.

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