WWF Russia Launches Online Project to Save Polar Bears


MOSCOW, February 19 (RIA Novosti) – World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Russia and BBDO Moscow PR agency announced on Tuesday the launch of an online project to gather donations for the protection of polar bears.

“The donations will be used for monitoring the animals’ habitat, anti-poaching activities and environmental education for the local population,” WWF Russia head Viktor Nikiforov said.

The project’s website, Allforbear.com, features a huge ice floe with polar bears. Clicking on any area of the water, visitors can expand the ice floe and share this activity on social networks. To add a virtual polar bear to the floe, a user has to make a donation of 1,000 rubles ($33) for a large bear and 100 rubles ($3.3) for a small one.

“Currently there are about 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears in the world. By 2050, the population may decrease by 75 percent! The main factors that endanger the animals include climate change, poaching, pollution. We want as many people as possible to learn about these problems with the help of our project,” Allforbear.com says.

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